Tree Care

#1 Memphis Tree Care Company

When you have beautiful, healthy trees on your Memphis property, you can enjoy the shade, color, and wildlife they bring. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for your prized trees to sustain damage due to any number of problems. If you’ve noticed that a tree on your property is damaged or appears to be ailing, it’s time to schedule tree care in Memphis , TN, from Action Yard & Tree Services. Our in-house, certified arborist will evaluate your tree and offer recommendations to treat the problem. Our goal is to save your tree and restore it to health whenever possible. Here’s a look at some common issues our tree care services can address.


Storm Damage

Southern Arizona is known for its powerful summertime storms during monsoon season. The area also tends to get a fair amount of rain and storm activity throughout the winter. With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that Memphis trees frequently suffer from storm damage. If you’ve noticed that a tree on your property has a broken limb, damaged trunk, or unstable structure after a storm, you should schedule an appointment for tree care in Memphis immediately.

  With prompt attention, the certified arborist at Action Yard & Tree Services will be able to assess the damage and provide a solution to give your tree the best chance of recovery. If left untreated, storm damage can result in health problems for your tree. In addition, you might find yourself facing significant bills for property damage if a large tree branch–or the entire tree–were to fall on your property or that of your neighbor.
Tree Care In Memphis
Memphis Tree Care

Fungal or Bacterial Infections

There is a variety of fungi and bacteria that can affect trees. In our area, these include Texas root rot, Cytospora canker, black leaf spot, and stem rusts. If a tree on your property becomes infected and the infection goes untreated, it can cause severe damage to the tree. An infection could even result in the death of a tree. In addition, the infection may spread to other trees in your Tree Service and Tree Service Experts , causing widespread damage.

  You can prevent these issues by scheduling an appointment for tree care in Memphis , TN, at the first sign of an infection. Some of the main symptoms of tree infections include black spots on leaves, curled or wilted leaves, cankers and other bark damage, and dying branches.

Pest Infestations

Another reason to schedule an appointment for tree care in Memphis is if you notice potential signs of a pest infestation. You may think of termites as the only major pest that might attack wood. In fact, there are a range of insects that can infest a living tree and cause severe damage. In the Sonoran Desert, borers are a common cause of tree damage. Some borers, such as flatheaded borers, take advantage of trees that have already been weakened by physical damage or other infestations. Other borers, like Palo Verde borers, target the roots of specific species of trees. These generally attack and may kill an otherwise healthy tree.

  There are also several types of insects that feed on the foliage of trees. These pests can cause major issues for young, growing trees. These include thrips, aphids, and whiteflies. If you’ve noticed any possible signs of a pest infestation, it’s time to request our tree care in Memphis .
Pest Infestations